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Meet the Owners

Christine Thomas

I've had the pleasure of working remotely in various corporate training industries over the last 25 years. 


Before starting CK Digital, I built the work-at-home training division for a global company, transforming it into a fully remote workforce over five years. In addition, we achieved best-in-class design and training programs for several Fortune 500 companies, including several leading telecommunications, retail, healthcare, and streaming businesses in the industry. 

Meet Christine

Kathy LaMee

Kathy LaMee headshot

As one of the founding partners for CK Digital Learning Solutions, I love creating solutions for today’s workforce and helping companies flex how they deliver trainingMy experience spans multiple industries, corporate and government bodies, and audiences. This experience drives one desire – to create learning connections from information to application.


As a contributing member of The Learning and Development Community (TLDC), I'm always discovering new ideas and innovations that I incorporate into my toolbox to use for each new client and project! I also had the honor of speaking at the Women of L&D 2021 Conference.

Meet Kathy
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